How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia?
Until recently, I rarely wrote about fibromyalgia because my wife’s primary chronic condition was always endometriosis, but after she was diagnosed with fibro, I discovered how cruel this disorder can be, so to help your partner’s fibromyalgia, I decided to dig deep and find some answers.
My straightforward advice to help your partner’s fibromyalgia is as follows:
Your partner’s fibromyalgia is unique to them so you have to figure out what helps and what doesn’t by asking them directly how to help. Educate yourself about fibromyalgia and how to minimize triggers of flare-ups. Support your partner physically and emotionally.
Fibromyalgia in your relationship.
For my wife, fibromyalgia is her secondary condition. She was first diagnosed with stage IV deep infiltrating endometriosis, fibromyalgia disorder is her secondary condition.
When it comes to my marriage, I have almost lost my wife in two separate ways…
- Firstly, my wife asked me to divorce her.
- Secondly, she tried to commit suicide.
The fibromyalgia divorce rate is 75% high, and the suicide rate in people with fibromyalgia is 7.5 times higher than in the general population.
I have written about my wife’s journey with fibromyalgia in great detail on my blog, but for the sake of this article, I will share a condensed version.
My wife was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia just one year after endometriosis, but she had been experiencing symptoms for years prior to that. The constant pain, fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms took a toll on her mental health and our relationship.
She became depressed and anxious, and our sex life suffered. She withdrew from friends and she stopped doing the things she loved. It impacted me in many ways, but I also realized how to help her.
Here’s my story in a nutshell:
- I didn’t know how to help her, and I felt helpless.
- I tried to be understanding and supportive, but I didn’t really know what to do.
- I was angry, frustrated, and resentful.
- I felt like I was losing my wife to this cruel disease.
- I didn’t know how to help her, but I knew I had to try.
- I started doing research and reading everything I could about fibromyalgia.
- I learned about the symptoms, the triggers, the treatments, and the latest research.
- I talked to her doctors and asked them questions.
- I started to understand what she was going through, and I became her advocate.
- I learned how to help her manage her symptoms and minimize the triggers of her flare-ups.
- I supported her emotionally, and I encouraged her to stay connected with friends and family.
- I encouraged her to do the things she loved, even if it was just for a few minutes each day.
- I helped her find a fibromyalgia support group, and I went to the meetings with her.
- I became her biggest cheerleader, and I continue to be her biggest supporter.
If you are in a relationship with someone with fibromyalgia, I encourage you to do the same.
If you want to learn more about fibromyalgia, I wrote a “Fibromyalgia for Caring Partners” e-Book.
You can get the 3 First Chapters of the e-Book for FREE, and if you like it, you’ll get a Whopping 33% Discount on the Whole Book, plus discounts on other helpful tools. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
These chapters alone explain how to accept the new normal, understand fibromyalgia, and the diagnosis. They include:
- The new you.
- The new her.
- The new reality.
- Introduction to fibromyalgia.
- What is fibromyalgia?
- The early days.
- When you first realize something is wrong.
- Spotting the signs that something is wrong.
- Coming to terms with a chronic illness.
- The role of partner in fibromyalgia.
- The process of getting diagnosed.
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Fibromyalgia for Caring Men

General tips to help your partner’s fibromyalgia.
Some general things that can help most fibro sufferers are:
- Taking breaks throughout the day to rest
- Exercising regularly (but not excessively)
- Eating a healthy diet
- Getting regular massages
- Practicing meditation or relaxation techniques
In addition, you can help your partner by:
- Being understanding and patient
- Helping with household tasks and childcare
- Encouraging them to stick to their treatment plan
- Taking on some of their responsibilities at work or home
- Helping them to find a support group
Fibromyalgia is a debilitating chronic condition that causes severe pain and fatigue. It can make everyday activities, like getting dressed or taking a shower, incredibly difficult. For many people with fibromyalgia, the pain is so severe that they can’t even work.
If you’re in a relationship with someone who has fibromyalgia, it’s important to understand what they’re going through and how you can help them manage their symptoms.

18 tips on how to take care of your partner’s fibromyalgia.
Here are my 18 tips on how to take care of your partner’s fibromyalgia:
- Be patient and understanding. Fibromyalgia can be extremely frustrating for both partners. Be patient with your partner as they try to cope with their symptoms.
- Communicate openly about the condition. Discuss your partner’s symptoms and how they’re affecting your relationship. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what your partner is dealing with.
- Help with household tasks and childcare. If your partner is unable to do certain tasks, offer to help out around the house or with the kids.
- Encourage them to stick to their treatment plan. It’s important for fibromyalgia sufferers to stick to their treatment plan. This may include medication, physical therapy, relaxation techniques, and diet changes.
- Take on some of their responsibilities at work or home. If your partner is unable to work or perform certain duties at home, offer to help out.
- Help them find a support group. There are many support groups available for fibromyalgia sufferers. Help your partner find one that meets their needs.
- Be their biggest cheerleader. Encourage your partner to stay positive and motivated.
- Offer emotional support. fibromyalgia can be very emotionally draining. Be there for your partner when they need to talk or just need a shoulder to cry on.
- Help them make lifestyle changes. Many people with fibromyalgia need to make lifestyle changes, such as exercising more, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. Help your partner make these changes if they’re struggling.
- Encourage them to do the things they love. Just because someone has fibromyalgia doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy their hobbies or favorite activities. Encourage your partner to do the things they love, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.
- help with finances. Many people with fibromyalgia are unable to work and have difficulty paying their bills. If your partner is struggling financially, offer to help out with expenses.
- Do something special for them. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone with fibromyalgia is just to show them how much you care. Do something special for your partner, like cooking their favorite meal or getting them a massage.
- Be understanding when they need to cancel plans. Fibromyalgia can be very unpredictable, and flare-ups can happen at any time. Be understanding when your partner needs to cancel plans due to their symptoms.
- Keep in touch when they’re not feeling well. If your partner is having a bad day, send them a text or give them a call to check-in. Just knowing you’re thinking of them can make a world of difference.
- Help them stay organized. Fibromyalgia can cause memory problems and difficulty staying organized. Offer to help your partner keep track of their appointments, medications, and other important information.
- Offer to run errands for them. If your partner is having a tough time getting out of the house, offer to run errands for them. This can help them save energy for more important things.
- Bring them meals or snacks. When fibromyalgia symptoms are bad, cooking can be difficult. Bring your partner meals or snacks so they don’t have to worry about food.
- Be there for them. Fibromyalgia can be a very isolating condition. Just knowing you’re there for your partner can make a big difference. Listen to them, help them when you can, and let them know you care.
Conclusion on how to help your partner’s fibromyalgia.
To finish off, it is important to help your partner’s fibromyalgia in any way possible. This includes helping with housework, and childcare, encouraging them to stick to their treatment plan, taking on some of their responsibilities, helping find a support group, and offering emotional support.
Most importantly, be there for them when they need you because fibromyalgia can be a very isolating condition. Let them know you care and that you are willing to help in any way possible.
If your partner’s fibromyalgia makes them struggle to cope mentally and they start to self-harm or become suicidal, please help them get professional help as this is very serious.
Conditions like fibromyalgia are linked to self-harm. Your partner might not want to tell you about it because they don’t want to worry you but it is important to be there for them and help them get the help they need. If you are worried about your partner’s mental state, please do not hesitate to reach out to a professional for help.
I hope this helps!
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Fibromyalgia for Caring Men

About Me
Hi, I’m Lucjan! The reason why I decided to create this blog was my beautiful wife, who experienced a lot of pain in life, but also the lack of information about endometriosis and fibromyalgia for men…