Endometriosis Divorce Rate: Saving a Marriage from Divorce

A poignant depiction of 'Endometriosis Divorce Rate' through the image of two clocks showing different times, set against a backdrop of a fading photograph of a couple in happier times. The first clock, vibrant and intact, represents the time before endometriosis impacted the relationship, while the second clock is fractured and its hands are entangled in thorny vines, symbolizing the disruption and fragmentation brought into the relationship by endometriosis. The contrast between the two clocks highlights the before and after effects of the condition on marriages, underscoring the temporal and emotional shifts that contribute to the divorce rate among couples dealing with endometriosis.

Endometriosis Divorce Rate (Updated 5th Mar 2024) In my journey to understand the impact of endometriosis on marital relationships, I encountered limited but insightful data linking the condition to an increased endometriosis divorce rate, especially where it influences sexual intimacy and satisfaction. My own story as a husband, alongside my wife who endures stage 4 … Read more

Covid-19 & my struggle with chronic illness

Covid article

Covid-19 & my struggle with chronic illness. M’s story… About Covid-19 and my struggle with chronic illness… It’s a long time since I last wrote an article (about this time last year) time has flown by and it has been an awfully rocky ride! I am now fully recovered from a Covid-19 infection which put … Read more

Loving a Woman with Endometriosis (Updated 5th Mar 2024)

An image titled 'Loving a Woman with Endometriosis' that captures a tender moment where a couple is seen walking hand in hand through a field of wildflowers at sunset. The woman's hair is adorned with flowers that subtly resemble the form of endometrial cells, weaving her condition into her beauty. The man walks by her side, his posture protective and attentive, ensuring she feels supported and cherished. The golden hues of the sunset cast a warm light over them, symbolizing hope and the enduring nature of their love. This image reflects the journey of love and support, emphasizing the strength and resilience found in the bond between partners when facing the challenges of endometriosis together.

Loving a Woman with Endometriosis (Updated 5th Mar 2024) There are frequently asked questions about endometriosis that come to the minds of many men because even though loving a woman with endometriosis brings a lot of joy, it can also be hard and challenging at times. Loving a woman with endometriosis, I’ve learned that compassion … Read more

Cramping with ovulation

Cramping with ovulation

Cramping with ovulation. Is it endometriosis? Cramping with ovulation… Is cramping with ovulation normal? Well, you may experience mild cramps or pain around the time of ovulation, but not every woman will have cramping pain during that time. Additionally, even if you regularly experience cramps with ovulation, you won’t necessarily feel them every month. This … Read more

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis horizontal

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis. My wife, M, suffers from fibromyalgia and endometriosis.  Primarily she was diagnosed with endometriosis and fibromyalgia was just another physiological process that affected her afterward. How common is it to be struggling with multiple medical conditions? When it comes to chronic illness, many women experience just that.  “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT … Read more

Samantha’s story

Samantha's story

Samantha’s story. Samantha’s story. Endometriosis is a disease that occurs when tissue similar to the uterine lining is found in other places in the body. The gold standard of treatment for endometriosis is excision surgery. Symptoms of the disease include pelvic pain, painful bowel movements, painful intercourse, nausea, vomiting, irregular periods, infertility, as well as … Read more

Letters from a husband of a chronically ill wife

Letters from a husband

Letters from a husband of a chronically ill wife: for their loved ones with endometriosis. Letters to my wife… Letters from a husband of a chronically ill wife is a guide for all the supporters who care for their loved ones with endometriosis. I decided to write this article to spread awareness about the unspoken … Read more

How to explain endometriosis pain to a guy? (Updated 30th October 2023)

How to explain endometriosis pain to a guy (updated)

How to explain endometriosis pain to a guy? (Updated 30th October 2023) Many women ask themselves this question because we (men) speak an entirely different language and do not think in the same way women do. We don’t even experience pain in the same way, and despite these ongoing “wokey theories”, we DO NOT have … Read more

Endometriosis surgery…

Endometriosis surgery

Endometriosis surgery. My wife’s perspective… As you all know very well, this blog is mainly written by me, but my wife sometimes contributes to it with her own experiences. Today, M shares her insights on the first endometriosis surgery she had during Christmas of 2019… Endometriosis surgery, a medical procedure, aims to remove abnormal tissue … Read more

Extremely painful period cramps.

Painful period

Extremely painful period cramps. “Endo-Tool” FREE Chapter of Endometriosis eBook dedicated especially to male partners of women who suffer from endometriosis!​ This FREE Chapter has 20 pages filled with latest comprehensive medical information. SEND IT MY WAY! We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Extremely painful … Read more