Why men should be advocates for women’s health?

Why men should be advocates for women's health

Why men should be advocates for women’s health? My dear wife suffers from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Her endometriosis is an advanced stage 4, and it’s deeply infiltrating. Fibromyalgia only adds to her primary chronic condition more symptoms and fatigue. This is why I began to spread awareness about the issue, as during my research I … Read more

Pictures of stomach after hysterectomy.

Pictures of stomach after hysterectomy

Pictures of stomach after hysterectomy. Let me start by explaining that my wife has stage 4 deep infiltrating endometriosis, and as I write this, she waits for her second operation. Since she began to consider the possibility of having a hysterectomy, we both needed to educate ourselves on the topic a little bit more. I … Read more

How to diagnose endometriosis?

How to diagnose endometriosis

How to diagnose endometriosis? When it comes to endometriosis diagnosis, there are many ways that can help you reveal some abnormalities, and help to move further towards the successful outcome and endometriosis treatment that lots of women struggle to get. However, there is only one definitive diagnosis, and I strongly encourage people to fight for … Read more

Body map.

Body map

Body map. I’ve seen firsthand my wife battle two chronic conditions – endometriosis and fibromyalgia. It took me a while to understand seeing her in agony what to do and what to say. It wasn’t always easy for me to believe her invisible symptoms, but fast-forward some years, I started writing this blog, began my … Read more

Endometriosis flare up: understanding symptoms, triggers, and treatment options.

Endometriosis flare up

Endometriosis flare up. Endometriosis is a painful disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is a chronic condition that occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus, leading to inflammation and scarring. Women with endometriosis experience a wide range of symptoms, including painful periods, pain in the … Read more

Sick in bed.

Sick in bed

Sick in bed. My wife is always sick in bed. It took me a while to believe that she wasn’t faking it. But I’m not the only bloke who questioned his partner’s invisible symptoms. Believing a sick person can be difficult, but when your wife is always sick, and she stays sick in bed nearly … Read more

Holistic habitat.

Holistic habitat

Holistic habitat. I dedicated my website to endometriosis and fibromyalgia because my wife suffers from both chronic conditions. In terms of holistic habitat, I believe that her well-being benefits from the holistic approach to her treatment. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! When managing endometriosis, we must address physical symptoms like … Read more

Is endometriosis one-sided relationship?

Is endometriosis a one-sided relationship

Is endometriosis one-sided relationship? Endometriosis is a condition that affects women, and it’s true that the physical and emotional toll it takes on them is often the focus of discussions around the topic, however, being a partner of someone with this diabolic chronic condition I found a gap in the endometriosis community that needs to … Read more

Why is the endometriosis divorce rate high?

The endometriosis divorce rate

Why is the endometriosis divorce rate high? There is no definitive answer as to why the divorce rate may be higher among women with endometriosis, as there are many complex factors that can contribute to the breakdown of a marriage or partnership. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! However, endometriosis is a chronic … Read more

Why should you not divorce a woman with endometriosis?

Why you should not divorce a woman with endometriosis

Why should you not divorce a woman with endometriosis? Divorcing a woman with endometriosis is not the answer. I know this because even though being a husband to a woman with endometriosis can be challenging, it is important to understand and support her. Endometriosis is a painful medical condition that affects many women, and male … Read more