Which female illness cannot be cured without surgery?

Which female illness cannot be cured without surgery

Which female illness cannot be cured without surgery? There are a number of chronic conditions that cannot be cured. My wife suffers from two of them. One is fibromyalgia, but this disorder doesn’t require surgical procedures. The second condition is endometriosis, but because this female illness cannot be cured without surgery, I’d like to focus … Read more

Why does endometriosis cause mental health problems?

Why does endometriosis cause mental health problems

Why does endometriosis cause mental health problems? Supporting my wife through various challenges associated with endometriosis has been one of the most difficult experiences of my life. I have seen her suffer through incredible pain, and fatigue, but also self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and attempts. It made me wonder… Why does endometriosis cause mental health problems? … Read more

How does endometriosis affect healthy partners?

How does endometriosis affect healthy partners

How does endometriosis affect healthy partners? I started my blog because I noticed that the internet is swarmed with information for women who suffer from chronic conditions such as endometriosis and fibromyalgia. But nobody ever explains one thing – how does endometriosis affect healthy partners? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Endometriosis can … Read more

Can you have both endometriosis and fibroids?

Can you have both endometriosis and fibroids

Can you have both endometriosis and fibroids? Yes. You can have both endometriosis and fibroids. My wife has them both, and many women have them together. And here’s why: Endometriosis and fibroids occur together because they are hormone-related conditions. Both are more common in women who have excess estrogen but you can also have endometriosis … Read more

Endometriosis in a marriage.

Endometriosis in a marriage

Endometriosis in a marriage. What can I say about endometriosis in a marriage? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Being married to a beautiful Italian woman who has endometriosis was a challenge for both of us, at first. I couldn’t even spell the word, let alone understand it. Today, I’m well educated about … Read more

How can you work with endometriosis?

How can you work with endometriosis

How can you work with endometriosis? Endometriosis is a chronic, painful condition that has a significant impact on your work life. You find it difficult to stay well, let alone maintain a regular work schedule. Endometriosis can cause absenteeism, reduced productivity when working, and loss of income. This is why I decided to help you … Read more

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

What are the symptoms of endometriosis

What are the symptoms of endometriosis? Being a man who at the beginning I didn’t know how to spell “endometriosis”, let alone understand it, but further, along my journey of discovery, I found myself wondering what are the symptoms of endometriosis apart from pelvic pain. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Endometriosis can … Read more

How does endometriosis affect your wife?

How does endometriosis affect your wife

How does endometriosis affect your wife? How does endometriosis affect your wife? To determine that, you need to find out which way can endometriosis affect her. This will include her physical, psychological, emotional, and mental well-being as well as social, family, work, and financial impact. In the second paragraph, you will find the answer to … Read more

What type of condition is endometriosis considered?

What type of condition is endometriosis considered

What type of condition is endometriosis considered? There is some debate as to what type of condition endometriosis is considered. Some experts believe that it is an autoimmune disease, while others believe it is an inflammatory disease. So, what type of condition is endometriosis considered? The majority of experts agree that endometriosis is a chronic … Read more

Can you claim endometriosis support?

Can you claim endometriosis support

Can you claim endometriosis support? If you have endometriosis, you may be wondering if you can claim benefits or other forms of support. So, let’s answer our question straight away – can you claim endometriosis support? Here’s what you need to know. Many women with endometriosis choose to claim benefits. There are a few different … Read more