Can blogging help partners of the chronically ill?

Can blogging help partners of the chronically ill

Can blogging help partners of the chronically ill? If you are in a relationship with someone who suffers from a chronic illness, you might feel like you are always taking care of them and never getting the chance to just be yourself. But what if you started a blog? Could that help? Can blogging help … Read more

How to help your ill wife live the best life possible?

How to help your ill wife live the best life possible

How to help your ill wife live the best life possible? Every day, many healthy couples are faced with unexpected health problems. Some of them are lucky to get an acute condition, but other couples are faced with a long-term chronic disease. So, how to help your ill wife live the best life possible if … Read more

Long-term illness divorce rate.

Long-term illness divorce rate

Long-term illness divorce rate. Chronic illness can put a strain on any relationship, but marriages are especially vulnerable. According to studies like this one, the long-term illness divorce rate is significantly higher than the rate for healthy couples. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! There are a number of reasons why … Read more

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner?

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner? There are many ways how fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner. Being one, I can openly say that the impact a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia has on a relationship is significant. It’s not only the person with fibromyalgia that suffers, but also their partner. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners … Read more

Why you should not give up on a woman with endometriosis?

Why you should not give up on a woman with endometriosis

Why you should not give up on a woman with endometriosis? It may be difficult to answer why you should not give up on a woman with endometriosis if you never experienced this condition yourself, and even more difficult if you are a man. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Men simply don’t … Read more

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner?

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner? I stood by my wife through various challenges that her chronic conditions brought to our relationship. She suffers from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Today, I’m focusing on the second one and going to answer how caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner. Below, you’ll … Read more

What causes your partner compassion fatigue?

What causes your partner compassion fatigue

What causes your partner compassion fatigue? To answer what causes your partner compassion fatigue, we must first understand what compassion fatigue is. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! Because compassion fatigue can lead to a number of problems, including depression, anxiety, and isolation, it’s important to be aware of the symptoms … Read more

Fibromyalgia for caring partners.

Fibromyalgia for caring partners

Fibromyalgia for caring partners. Caring for someone with fibromyalgia can be challenging. There is no known cure for fibromyalgia, and the condition can cause a great deal of pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgia has plenty of resources for those who suffer, but fibromyalgia for caring partners is an underserved population. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND … Read more

Are there long-term effects of a chronic illness?

Are there long-term effects of a chronic illness

Are there long-term effects of a chronic illness? The short answer is yes – there are long-term effects of a chronic illness. Chronic illnesses are often associated with a range of long-term effects, both physical and psychological. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! I am going to expand on the topic … Read more

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions.

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions. Because my wife is fairly independent, I never considered myself her caregiver. It doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t play an important role in her care. This article is based on a decade of my personal experience of caring for someone with multimorbidity. I am … Read more