Endometriosis breaks relationships…

Endometriosis breaks relationships

Endometriosis breaks relationships, but it doesn’t have to break yours! Endometriosis breaks relationships! Why does endometriosis breaks relationships? There are many reasons for it, but it doesn’t have to happen to you if you take some steps to support one another. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! In my personal experience, being a … Read more

Endometriosis and fibromyalgia treatment.

Endometriosis and fibromyalgia treatment

Endometriosis and fibromyalgia treatment… For those who don’t know my story, my wife, M, developed two chronic illnesses after I married her in 2012. Soon after her health began to decline, causing us a lot of challenges trying to find endometriosis and fibromyalgia treatment. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! Many general practitioners’ … Read more

Fibromyalgia divorce rate: saving your marriage from divorce.

Fibromyalgia divorce rate

Fibromyalgia divorce rate. When it comes to fibromyalgia, there have been a few studies that have looked at the relationship between fibromyalgia and divorce rates. While the results of these studies have been somewhat mixed, there seems to be some evidence that suggests that people with fibromyalgia may be at an increased risk of divorce. … Read more

How to comfort someone with fibromyalgia?

How to comfort someone with fibromyalgia

How to comfort someone with fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia guide for male partners. How did my wife develop fibromyalgia? I write a lot about endometriosis since this was the first chronic condition my wife was diagnosed with. However, I decided to write more about fibromyalgia, the second chronic disorder my M suffers from. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male … Read more

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis!

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis

Relationships are in crisis with endometriosis! Helping female partners with endometriosis. A silent crisis… There’s a silent crisis among women who suffer from endometriosis, however, no one ever talks about their partners. No one talks about men and this is why relationships are in crisis with endometriosis. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! … Read more

How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you?

How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you

How to react when your chronically ill spouse blames you? Chronic illness and its impact on male partners… A life-long condition! When your partner falls ill due to a lifelong chronic condition, it rewrites the script of your relationship forever. Often happens that your chronically ill spouse blames you for things despite your best efforts … Read more

Endometriosis jargon for men.

Endometriosis jargon for men

Endometriosis jargon for men. Endo what..? Endometriosis jargon. I still remember the day when my wife used the word “endometriosis”. It was before she was diagnosed. I didn’t know how to spell it, let alone understand it. Fast forward a decade, today I decided to write this endometriosis jargon for men… “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men … Read more

How to comfort someone with endometriosis?

How to comfort someone with endometriosis

How to comfort someone with endometriosis? Endometriosis for men! How to comfort someone with endometriosis? For those unfamiliar with my work, I dedicated this blog to male partners of women who suffer from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Today I answer a question of how to comfort someone with endometriosis because it’s very close to my heart. … Read more

Positive effects of blogging about chronic pain and illness.

Positive effects of blogging about chronic pain and illness

Positive effects of blogging about chronic pain and illness. From a spousal caregiver’s point of view. Positive effects of blogging about chronic pain and illness. Being a supportive husband to my chronically ill wife I found many positive effects of blogging about chronic pain and illness she struggles with on a daily basis. Trying to … Read more

How to comfort someone with chronic pain?

How to comfort someone with chronic pain

How to comfort someone with chronic pain? A guide for caregiving men… How to comfort someone with chronic pain? Your partner isn’t just a number in the medical system, she’s a person who gives you love and wonderful memories. But doctors don’t see her that way. How to comfort someone with chronic pain if you’re … Read more