Why does no one talk about family caregivers?

why no one talks about family caregiver page

Why no one talk about family caregiver? Why nobody talks about family caregiver? If there are countless blogs and websites dedicated to those who suffer from chronic illness, why does no one talk about the family caregivers? No one ever asks, how are YOU today? It seems to me like the very question is not … Read more

How chronic illness affects relationships?

How chronic illness affects relationships page

How chronic illness affects relationships? From a caring husbsnd’s perspective… How chronic illness affects relationships? As a husband behind my chronically ill wife, I found myself trapped on countless occasions in the past not knowing what to do and how to help. There is no simple answer to the question of how chronic illness affects … Read more

How to support a partner with chronic illness?

How to support a partner with chronic illness page

How to support a partner with chronic illness? I have for you 15 caregiving tips on how to support a partner with chronic illness, and it’s all based on my own experience in supporting my wife who suffers from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! A chronic illness … Read more

What is heartburn caused by and how to get rid of acid reflux?

Heartburn and acid reflux page

What is heartburn caused by and how to get rid of acid reflux? What is heartburn caused by? Before we answer these questions we need to answer this – what is heartburn and acid reflux? Is there a difference? The short answer is yes – there is a difference. Heartburn is “the burning feeling” that … Read more

7 Signs of caregiver burnout.

7 Signs of caregiver burnout page

7 Signs of caregiver burnout. What are these 7 Signs of caregiver burnout? Here are the 7 signs of caregiver burnout in a nutshell: Caring for a loved one… The 7 signs of caregiver burnout can be easily missed by those who care for their loved ones… If you are caring for a loved one … Read more

Cramping with ovulation

Cramping with ovulation

Cramping with ovulation. Is it endometriosis? Cramping with ovulation… Is cramping with ovulation normal? Well, you may experience mild cramps or pain around the time of ovulation, but not every woman will have cramping pain during that time. Additionally, even if you regularly experience cramps with ovulation, you won’t necessarily feel them every month. This … Read more

Checklist for Fibromyalgia Symptoms (Updated 14th Oct 2024)

Checklist for Fibromyalgia Symptoms 1

Checklist for fibromyalgia symptoms. (Updated 14th Oct 2024) As a husband of a chronically ill wife who suffers from endometriosis and fibromyalgia, and also as a blogger, I understand the importance of providing accurate and useful information to help individuals cope with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia. In this article, I will be sharing a comprehensive … Read more

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis horizontal

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis. My wife, M, suffers from fibromyalgia and endometriosis.  Primarily she was diagnosed with endometriosis and fibromyalgia was just another physiological process that affected her afterward. How common is it to be struggling with multiple medical conditions? When it comes to chronic illness, many women experience just that.  “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT … Read more

A chronically ill spouse

How to cope with a chronically ill spouse

How to cope with a chronically ill spouse? So, how to cope with a chronically ill spouse? So, how to cope with a chronically ill spouse? I can summarize it in one sentence – focus on changing yourself rather than “fixing” your partner’s health. It’s not easy to cope! I hear you say, “it’s easier … Read more