Fibromyalgia: all you need to know!

Fibromyalgia all you need to know

Fibromyalgia: all you need to know! For many years, I have shared my life with an extraordinary woman, my wife, who carries an invisible burden. She battles two chronic conditions. One of them is fibromyalgia, a relentless condition that blankets her world in an unceasing symphony of pain, fatigue, and a multitude of challenging symptoms. … Read more

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia?

How to help your partner's fibromyalgia

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia? Until recently, I rarely wrote about fibromyalgia because my wife’s primary chronic condition was always endometriosis, but after she was diagnosed with fibro, I discovered how cruel this disorder can be, so to help your partner’s fibromyalgia, I decided to dig deep and find some answers. Fibromyalgia For Caring … Read more

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy?

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy? It can be hard to find a way how to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy if you are not a man and you don’t know how he thinks, but in this article, I will give you some tips. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY … Read more

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner?

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner? There are many ways how fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner. Being one, I can openly say that the impact a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia has on a relationship is significant. It’s not only the person with fibromyalgia that suffers, but also their partner. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners … Read more

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner?

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner

How caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner? I stood by my wife through various challenges that her chronic conditions brought to our relationship. She suffers from endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Today, I’m focusing on the second one and going to answer how caring for a person with fibromyalgia impacts the partner. Below, you’ll … Read more

Fibromyalgia for caring partners.

Fibromyalgia for caring partners

Fibromyalgia for caring partners. Caring for someone with fibromyalgia can be challenging. There is no known cure for fibromyalgia, and the condition can cause a great deal of pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgia has plenty of resources for those who suffer, but fibromyalgia for caring partners is an underserved population. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND … Read more

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions.

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions

Tips for males who care for females with chronic conditions. Because my wife is fairly independent, I never considered myself her caregiver. It doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t play an important role in her care. This article is based on a decade of my personal experience of caring for someone with multimorbidity. I am … Read more

How to explain fibromyalgia to my husband?

How to explain fibromyalgia to my husband

How to explain fibromyalgia to my husband? How to explain fibromyalgia to my husband who never experienced what I’m going through? I heard that many times and I can openly say, that being the husband of a woman who suffers from fibromyalgia, I could barely spell the word, let alone understand it. So there is … Read more

How to explain fibromyalgia to your partner?

How to explain fibromyalgia to your partner

How to explain fibromyalgia to your partner? It can be difficult to explain fibromyalgia to your partner who never suffered from it, but luckily, there are some ways you can make the conversation a little easier. Explain to your partner that fibromyalgia is a real, chronic condition that causes widespread pain and fatigue. It is … Read more

How to Explain Fibromyalgia Pain to a Guy?

How to explain fibromyalgia pain to a guy

How to Explain Fibromyalgia Pain to a Guy? One of the most difficult things about living with fibromyalgia is explaining it to others, especially trying to explain fibromyalgia pain to a guy, because 80% of those who suffer from the condition are women. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! It can be … Read more