What if Sex Causes Endometriosis Pain?

Endometriosis Sex Pain

Watching someone you love deal with endometriosis and fibromyalgia is tough. It affects not just them but you too. I’ve seen my wife in severe pain, especially during intimate moments. If you or your partner has endometriosis, you might ask: does sex make the pain worse? Is endometriosis linked to sexual issues? And how do … Read more

Non-Sexual Closeness with Endometriosis

Non-Sexual Closeness Endometriosis

Being married to a woman with endometriosis and fibromyalgia has taught me a lot. I see the struggles she faces, dealing with pain and surprise symptoms. It can be hard on both of us. Yet, I’ve found that non-sexual closeness helps us a lot. It supports her and deepens our bond. The journey with endometriosis … Read more

How to Maintain Intimacy with Endometriosis

Endometriosis Intimacy Maintenance

Being married to a woman with endometriosis and fibromyalgia has taught me a lot. I’ve seen how it affects intimacy. The pain, discomfort, and exhaustion are not easy to deal with while keeping a strong bond. So, how do we keep our closeness with endometriosis around? Endometriosis causes many symptoms, like pelvic pain and painful … Read more

Comfortable Sex Positions for Endometriosis

Endometriosis Sex Positions

I’ve seen firsthand the struggles my wife goes through because of endometriosis and fibromyalgia. The pain, tiredness, and how it affects our sex life are hard. Finding ways to make our sex life fulfilling while managing her symptoms is a challenge we face daily. Endometriosis-friendly Sex Positions are crucial. They can help reduce pain during … Read more

How Does Endometriosis Affect Our Sex Life?

Endometriosis Sex Effects

Being married to someone with endometriosis and fibromyalgia has opened my eyes to their struggles. I’ve seen how these conditions can hit both your body and your heart hard. They especially mess with a woman’s sex life. Endometriosis can cause daily pelvic pain, making sex difficult and less desirable. It may lead to tension in … Read more

The perfect marriage despite endometriosis.

The perfect marriage despite endometriosis

The perfect marriage despite endometriosis. Achieving the perfect marriage despite endometriosis requires open communication, patience, and a willingness to adapt. Prioritizing emotional connection, seeking professional help, and managing pain effectively can also help strengthen the relationship. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! But is there really such a thing as a perfect marriage … Read more

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex?

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex? Being a couple who has gone more than a year without sex I can openly say that it is possible. Furthermore, would you believe it if I told you that it comes from a guy? Yes. I’m a man who married a beautiful Italian girl, … Read more

Endometriosis Divorce Rate: Saving a Marriage from Divorce

A poignant depiction of 'Endometriosis Divorce Rate' through the image of two clocks showing different times, set against a backdrop of a fading photograph of a couple in happier times. The first clock, vibrant and intact, represents the time before endometriosis impacted the relationship, while the second clock is fractured and its hands are entangled in thorny vines, symbolizing the disruption and fragmentation brought into the relationship by endometriosis. The contrast between the two clocks highlights the before and after effects of the condition on marriages, underscoring the temporal and emotional shifts that contribute to the divorce rate among couples dealing with endometriosis.

Endometriosis Divorce Rate (Updated 5th Mar 2024) In my journey to understand the impact of endometriosis on marital relationships, I encountered limited but insightful data linking the condition to an increased endometriosis divorce rate, especially where it influences sexual intimacy and satisfaction. My own story as a husband, alongside my wife who endures stage 4 … Read more