Blogging about mental health.
Do I blog about mental health or does blogging about mental health helps me?
It is autumn, a rainy day in London. It’s pretty miserable one might think, it is cloudy, dark, and grey. Many people would consider it depressing. But not me.
The trees and their leaves are so beautiful and I notice these little things that the majority of people don’t. The colors, the birds, their songs and tweets, and the overall beauty of nature…
As for today, it’s 2019 and I still have a day job. But nine months ago something remarkable happened, I decided to do more with my life. Let’s say, I had a light-bulb moment!
Not counting my toddler years, it took me 30 odd winters to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. After accomplishing 5-year of medical school, my life took a turn, and instead, I began working with disabled and less fortunate people.
Yes, I enjoy the job, I do like the nature of it and seeing the smiley faces of those I help, but it is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I always wanted to do something that would allow me to take control of my life. I began to think…
I was tired of the monotony. In January, on one cold winter’s day, I decided to learn how to blog. Before, I never even knew such a thing existed. But since that discovery, my life has become a wonderful journey towards achieving my goal.
Helping other people!
And that my friends is my purpose! To help millions instead of a few. To put a smile on more faces. Besides, I have realized something. Over a decade, I succeeded in helping my wife in her battle with mental health. I helped her beat depression, her suicidal thoughts, and her attempts.
To come out of the darkest place imaginable, where you want to end it all, it’s truly remarkable. But she wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for me. This made me realize what I wanted to do. Worry Head was born.
I dreamt of living in a wooden cottage in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Alpine mountain forests, the greenest grass, rivers, and lakes so clear that they reflected color as beautiful as my wife’s blue eyes.
Instead, I live in Surrey, on the outskirts of London in a house on the top of a hill, surrounded by woodlands and a little stream.

We have a nice view from the top and are visited often by foxes, badgers, squirrels, magpies, and even a group of green parakeets. My wife’s eyes are beautifully blue and she loves me to bits. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more!
I imagined myself typing a novel on an old-fashioned, noisy type-writer, sitting in a comfy old chair by a real fireplace while taking a sip of my favorite scotch between each paragraph.
Instead, I found myself writing a book on a couch, using my new laptop, sipping a cappuccino. My black and white cat sat behind me, looking through the window at a squirrel, who was trying to hide her nut inside the flower pot for the colder days to come.
Nevertheless, it felt warm and cozy since January evenings seemed to be colder than I could ever imagine.
But why am I blogging about mental health?
I supported my beautiful Italian wife “M”, in her battle with mental health issues. We conquered depression and anxiety. Today I help her in her battle with a terrible condition that shaped her life – endometriosis.
I never struggled emotionally, I am a very optimistic person. But my dear wife’s past, which I will keep private, led her to mental health problems. Anxiety, depression, OCD, and even suicidal thoughts, and attempts.
I never experienced this scary illness myself and I did not know how to deal with it, I didn’t know how to help. But I lived through it, I felt it to some extent.
My wife’s pain became my own. But I wasn’t there to soak and worry, she needed help that I could provide.
I began writing daily notes to capture my feelings. I never wanted her to know how I felt because the burden of mental illness was difficult to deal with already.
My daily notes grew to the point, that after putting them together and adding necessary pages, I wrote a book on how to support your loved one, with the title mentioned in one of the previous paragraphs.
Since January 2019, over the last nine months, I dedicated my free time to learning how to create and design a website. I began to use every opportunity. On the train to work, on my break, the way back, at home when my wife went to sleep.
I was very dedicated, working, and learning non-stop. I slept 4-5 hours per night but it was all worth it and I really enjoyed the process.

Nine months is not needed to create a blog, you can do it in a matter of minutes, but I wanted to design something beautiful. I hope it is pleasing to your eye.
Besides, I needed to learn how to repair any problems that may always occur on the website. This whole experience led me to focus on something else than worry about my wife. Sure, I supported her, but as a human being, I needed an escape from it all. To catch a breath, to do what I like.
But how does blogging about mental health help?
In a nutshell, it makes you focus on something. You have a goal, which you focus on and you forget about problems.
For me, blogging about mental health allowed me not to be bored during my wife’s recovery from depression. I was left alone. She’s gone through 4 suicidal attempts. I needed to be close, keep her safe, and make her feel wanted, and loved. I couldn’t be far.
I gave up work for a while to keep an eye on “M”. I needed to find a way to make an income if I wasn’t to work for a while. I wrote a book but I didn’t have a clue how to sell it.
The first thing that came to my mind was Amazon. But honestly, is not easy. I didn’t sell many due to the fact that the royalties they take are too big, up to 70%! Really?? You must be insane to give them 70% of your hard work. I couldn’t do that. I needed another way…
So, knowing that Amazon does not make it easy didn’t give me much confidence. My mental well-being is far more important than 99 cents for hard labor. I’d be insane to go that route.
So I researched…
Long story short, I found out about the beauty of blogging. In the past blogs were considered to be simple. The first blog was created in 1994 by a student Justin Hall. Later on, Blogger was created by Evan Williams who brought blogging to life and the form we have today.
I’m a very fit guy. Fitness and dancing are my passion. “M” is my dance partner. We love Latin ballroom but since her mental illness, we didn’t have a chance to dance. Furthermore, I couldn’t go to the gym as often as I wished to.
Having a daily job I was away from my wife. She felt lonely and her depression progressed worse. She became suicidal. The last thing on my mind was going to the gym or dancing. I stopped doing what I loved. That wasn’t good for me.
Not going to the gym made me feel upset but I needed to take care of “M”. I had to think out of the box and do something else on the side. I always liked using computers.
As we know, in today’s digital era, online income is the best to go if you want to work from home.
So I decided to combine three things into one – helping people, my wife, and myself. I realized I could blog my way to better mental health and a healthier bank balance. This felt like a no-brainer!

But it wasn’t easy. I’m a perfectionist. Many bloggers fail to achieve their goals. Their lack of patience is the biggest killer of success. I wasn’t prepared to be one of them. If you really want to help people, you need to put aside your ego, be patient, and be honest with your audience.
Making a change!
Myself and “M”, we want to help people. But realizing that you can make passive income from it made us want it more. You see, you can kill two birds with one stone. And that’s amazing!
Psychologists and psychiatrists around the world are using their blogs to help each other. My wife and I are just one of a million bloggers using our Worry Head blog to give mental health a boost. We want to make a change, we want to help others and at the same time ourselves.
My wife is very passionate about spreading awareness about endometriosis. She wants to make a lasting change and help other people with this chronic condition that affects 1 in 10 women around the world. Yes, it really is that common!
Writing and sharing our knowledge through blogging is the best way to distract yourself from any negativity. It makes you focus on something else than worries. It’s just the best medicine for your mental state.
Because as we state on our home page – mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is. We want to show you how to overcome your struggles. It is why the Worry Head blog was created! We help ourselves by helping others. Everybody wins!
Daily stress can leave your health a mess. Your mind is important to your health, it is more important than any wealth, but again, through blogging, you can make a difference not only for other people but also for your own bank balance. Isn’t great?
Mental health problems can happen to anyone and leave you affected for many years to come. When it comes to your relationship with someone, it can put it in a lot of trouble, leave scars, and even destroy marriages and families. My wife’s mental illness definitely wanted to invade our lives, but we kept strong and blogging helps a great deal.
We want to create a sense of community, and share what we know, our ideas and experience, but also your stories and opinions. The exchange of information will allow us to become smarter. To build relationships and help one another. Blogging allows us to achieve all that.
Blogging is good for your mental well-being because it offers you an opportunity to help people affected by mental health problems. If you have experience and you want to help others in a similar situation, blogging allows you to pass on your knowledge, so your readers can avoid unnecessary mistakes that you have made in the past.
You can also take your thoughts to a wider audience. One person who listens to you might not be enough, especially when that person is busy. When I am at work “M” isn’t alone anymore, now she has people, who listen online.

By blogging you reach more people, not only to help them, they can give you advice, if they experience similar issues but know the solution to a problem.
If you are feeling down, anxious, or not in control, sharing your feelings can help you relieve stress by letting go of emotions, which may have been bottled up for some time. Otherwise, the collection of your thoughts will grow to the point, that the only way of letting go would be self-harm. This is exactly what happened to “M”.
Not only blogging can help raise awareness but it can also break down misconceptions surrounding mental health.
Blogging about mental health allows you and other people to see they are not alone in what they are going through. It can increase the chance of people seeking help and speaking out about their own mental health. If you raise awareness, we can help a greater number of sufferers.
So, after reading this article you should power up your laptop and blog! Help other people, your own mental well-being, and even your wallet.
No one should have to face a mental health problem alone. Blogs and real stories from real people can play a part in achieving this.
What’s the purpose of a blog?
The job of a blog is simple – it helps its customer solve a problem. You have a need or a problem and our business is to offer you the solution.
Sometimes the solution is a tool, a product you can buy. Other times it’s a methodology that we teach or a service we can direct you to. Either way, our goal is clear – we need to help you solve your problem.
Worry Head blog provides you with useful content. Each article contains a minimum of 3750 to 4000 words, but some consist of even 10000. We want to write epic, helpful, and valuable posts.
On our blog, you’ll find a mix of different types of articles, which belong to various categories such as mental illness, physical health, or financial education.
All of them relate to mental health because your thoughts can be affected by an illness such as depression, physical and chronic conditions such as Endometriosis, or what today is most common, money anxiety caused by lack of financial education.
Since learning how to create the Worry Head blog in January 2019, we may have not posted any articles until 9 months later, in September. But my wife’s mental health has drastically improved for a few reasons:
- “M” became a contributor to the blog when she felt that if I was aiming for something, and if I was going to help other people like her, who suffer from mental health issues, she wanted to join in. That was a glimpse of a light in her eyes I haven’t seen for a while. It lifted my spirit and motivated me more.
- My wife wanted it to be more positive and helpful rather than just write a journal about how bad things were going for her. Even with Endometriosis, “M” didn’t want to fit into a group of women that accept their faith and give in to the illness. She’s a fighter!
- It became a platform for other people with mental health problems, so they can come forward and talk openly about their struggles and successes.
For myself – the creator, watching my blog grow into something beyond what I ever thought could be possible felt like a massive achievement and that independence is brilliant for anyone’s mental well-being. It makes you feel like you can do anything you set your mind to.
So without any questions, I totally recommend you write a blog! You can start your blog with HOSTGATOR for as little as £2.75 a month!
If you’re like me, helping your loved one, I talked about the basics of financial education and making money in one of my posts in the “money anxiety” section of the blog.
I haven’t mentioned their blogging, because it’s going to be a separate, long article explaining blogging as the best form of passive income.
Blogging about mental health, the facts…
Long before blogs and other social media, psychologists noticed the benefits of writing about thoughts and emotions that arise from traumatic or stressful experiences.
Since the 1980s, research by the University of Texas has found that “short-term focused writing about emotions can enhance immune function, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, reduce asthma and arthritis symptoms, and lessen sleep disturbances in patients with metastatic cancers.” This research has also documented psychological benefits such as lowered anxiety and fewer depressive symptoms.
Blogging is extremely helpful for maintaining mental wellness. Blogging adds a more public element to the writing process. You spread awareness.
The anonymity of blogging can also be helpful for some people in a different way. It allows them to express themselves more freely without being judged or even concerned about family and friends knowing their thoughts.
That is the case with my wife. I freely open myself to our readers, but at the same time, I keep “M’s” privacy. I will never break that rule until she asks me to reveal her identity.
When we were teenagers, we might have kept a diary hidden under our mattresses.
It was a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment or punishment. It likely felt good to get all of those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. Sometimes writing is easier than saying things out loud,
Today, you most probably stopped using a diary as you reached adulthood. But the concept and its benefits still apply. Now people call them journals. It’s simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly.
And if you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal is a great idea. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. Every psychotherapist advises it.
A blog is a helpful tool in managing your mental health. It can help you:
- Manage anxiety
- Reduce stress
- Cope with depression
Blogging about mental health helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:
- Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns.
- Tracking any symptoms so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them.
- Never forget them.
- Providing you an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors.
Blogging is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle for better managing stress, anxiety, and mental health conditions.
To get the most benefits, be sure you also:
- Relax and meditate each day.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
- Exercise regularly—get in some activity every day.
- Treat yourself to plenty of sleep each night.
- Stay away from alcohol and drugs.
By writing a blog it can be especially helpful for those people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or a history of trauma.
Even for people without a traumatic experience working through benefits their mental health, because it can make us more aware of our thoughts and behaviors.

In the past, journals have been shown to be effective in helping people manage their depressive symptoms. You must remember that writing isn’t a substitute for professional guidance when the depression is particularly severe, but it can complement other forms of treatment or act as a stand-alone symptom management tool for those with mild depression.
Blogging is also an excellent method for anyone who simply wants to manage their stress, perhaps to keep it from pushing them well into the realm of anxiety and depression. As I mentioned before – my wife is my best proof of it.
She tried to commit suicide on 4 occasions. “M” felt, that no one was listening to her, let alone understanding. I cannot tell you how hurtful it was for her. She felt ashamed each time she tried, but explained to me, that at the time she felt like there was no way out, she said, she wasn’t herself…
I helped her dearly giving all my love to her. I could never understand how she felt until she expressed herself in the written word. I realized the power behind it. Reading her diary was very emotional and brought many tears to my eyes.
I’m a man but I cried. She is my world, “M” is my everything but her journals helped me understand how she felt.
Not only does blogging about mental health help, but it allows you to reveal to the supporter how the sufferer truly feels. It goes both ways. That was in the past. She was the person in need and by reading her notes I understood how to help.
Today “M” contributes to Worry Head. And today you, as a reader are the most important person here.
Your opinion matters. You bring value to WH and regardless of whether you are seeking support for your own mental health or whether you are the one supporting others with mental health problems, your comments are vital to making things better.
Thank you all for taking a few moments of your precious time to read our post. We look forward to hearing from you and please let us know what you felt reading this. What can we add to it so you can have a satisfactory answer? We will be grateful for your help with sharing this article.
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Once again, thank you ever so much, and let’s meet in the comments section. Take care for now! Let’s meet in the comments section below…
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About Me
Hi, I’m Lucjan! The reason why I decided to create this blog was my beautiful wife, who experienced a lot of pain in life, but also the lack of information about endometriosis and fibromyalgia for men…