What can you do when a chronic disease impacts your earnings?

What can you do when a chronic disease impacts your earnings

What can you do when a chronic disease impacts your earnings? It can be difficult to maintain your income when you have a chronic disease or condition that causes financial hardships. I want to share with you today what can you do when a chronic disease impacts your earnings. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners … Read more

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex?

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex

Can a marriage survive more than a year without sex? Being a couple who has gone more than a year without sex I can openly say that it is possible. Furthermore, would you believe it if I told you that it comes from a guy? Yes. I’m a man who married a beautiful Italian girl, … Read more

How to balance a marriage if a husband becomes the wife’s carer?

How to balance a marriage if a husband becomes the wife's carer

How to balance a marriage if a husband becomes the wife’s carer? If a husband becomes the wife’s carer due to her chronic illness, it can put a lot of strain on their marriage. There are many ups and downs that come with caring for an ill wife, but they can be dealt with if … Read more

Why your husband resents you for being ill?

Why your husband resents you for being ill

Why your husband resents you for being ill? If you are chronically ill, it’s likely that your husband will feel some resentment toward you. He may resent having to care for you or may be worried about your condition and what it means for your future together. The bottom line is, that if your husband … Read more

Why endometriosis makes it difficult to walk?

Why endometriosis makes it difficult to walk

Why endometriosis makes it difficult to walk? My wife has stage IV deep infiltrating endometriosis which affects her bowel, bladder, pouch of Douglas, and both ovaries. Despite her extensive surgery to remove the endometriosis lesions, her pain continues and she often struggles to even walk. I began to wonder why endometriosis makes it difficult to … Read more

How to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis?

How to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis

How to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis? Endometriosis and stress impact one another and this is why it can be challenging at times to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis. So how to help a stressed wife who has endometriosis if stress is a trigger for her endometriosis? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men … Read more

What can you do if your wife is long-term ill?

What can you do if your wife is long-term ill

What can you do if your wife is long-term ill? If your wife has a long-term illness, you may feel helpless, but there are a number of things you can do to support her and help her through her illness. To name a few here’s what you can do if your wife is long-term ill: … Read more

Why as a husband I blog about endometriosis?

Why as a husband I blog about endometriosis

Why as a husband I blog about endometriosis? Endometriosis is a debilitating and often painful disease that can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life. I blog about endometriosis in order to raise awareness about this little-known but very important condition. By sharing my wife’s story, I hope to help others who … Read more

What to do when your chronically ill wife has anxiety attacks?

What to do when your chronically ill wife has anxiety attacks

What to do when your chronically ill wife has anxiety attacks? If your chronically ill wife has anxiety attacks, it is important to understand that her anxiety may be caused by her chronic illness. While it is not known exactly how or why chronic illnesses can cause anxiety, it is believed that the stress of … Read more

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive?

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive? Being married for ten years to a woman who has fibromyalgia and endometriosis I gained a lot of personal experience in how to cope without sex and support her. Now, here is the answer to your question “Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive?” Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY … Read more