What can chronic conditions teach your healthy partner?

What can chronic conditions teach your healthy partner

What can chronic conditions teach your healthy partner? People who suffer from incurable conditions learn a lot from them. I have read thousands of articles on the subject, which is great, but what can chronic conditions teach your healthy partner? Here’s the answer: Chronic conditions teach your healthy partner a lot. From empathy, compassion, forgiveness, … Read more

What type of condition is endometriosis considered?

What type of condition is endometriosis considered

What type of condition is endometriosis considered? There is some debate as to what type of condition endometriosis is considered. Some experts believe that it is an autoimmune disease, while others believe it is an inflammatory disease. So, what type of condition is endometriosis considered? The majority of experts agree that endometriosis is a chronic … Read more

How to acknowledge my partner’s long-term illness?

How to acknowledge my partner's long-term illness

How to acknowledge my partner’s long-term illness? Accepting the new normal with a long-term illness can be tough for your loved one, but how to acknowledge partner’s long-term illness if you aren’t suffering from it yourself? Acknowledging partner’s long-term illness has plenty of benefits, but before I get to that, it’s important for you to … Read more

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women?

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women? Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Although it can affect both men and women, fibromyalgia is diagnosed more often in women. In fact, as many as 90% of people with fibromyalgia are women, and since my wife suffers from this chronic disorder, I decided … Read more

Can you claim endometriosis support?

Can you claim endometriosis support

Can you claim endometriosis support? If you have endometriosis, you may be wondering if you can claim benefits or other forms of support. So, let’s answer our question straight away – can you claim endometriosis support? Here’s what you need to know. Many women with endometriosis choose to claim benefits. There are a few different … Read more

What can cause lightning pain in the crotch?

What can cause lightning pain in the crotch

What can cause lightning pain in the crotch? There are a few things that can cause what feels like lightning pain in the crotch. One possibility is a condition called “Mittelschmerz”, which is German for “middle pain.” This occurs when the ovaries release an egg during ovulation and is felt as a sharp pain in … Read more

Why your husband struggles to understand endometriosis?

Why your husband struggles to understand endometriosis

Why your husband struggles to understand endometriosis? A husband and endometriosis can be a difficult combination. Endometriosis is a chronic and often painful condition that can have a profound impact on a woman’s life. It can be hard to explain the condition to someone who doesn’t have it, and even harder to get them to … Read more

Endometriosis brain fog (Endo-Fog).

Endometriosis brain fog (Endo-Fog)

Endometriosis brain fog (Endo-Fog). If you have fibromyalgia, you have most likely heard of fibromyalgia brain fog, commonly called “fibro-fog”. But is it possible that endometriosis causes an “endo-fog”? Is endometriosis brain fog real? To answer that, we need to first understand what brain fog is. Brain fog is a symptom associated with many conditions, … Read more

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia?

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia? If your wife had one chronic illness it could be difficult for her to cope, having two chronic illnesses can be even harder. Trying to stay well is a full-time job for your wife, however, she gets plenty of tips on how to cope. … Read more

How to make money when caring for wife who has chronic illness?

How to make money when caring for wife who has chronic illness

How to make money when caring for wife who has chronic illness? If you are caring for your wife who has a chronic illness, you may be wondering how you can make money whilst being by her side. Here are some tips on how to make money when caring for wife who has chronic illness: … Read more