How to accept having a chronically ill wife?

How to accept having a chronically ill wife

How to accept having a chronically ill wife? Not knowing how to accept having a chronically ill wife can put a strain on your marriage. It can even lead to divorce. The chronic illness divorce rate is as high as 75%. This means that every 3 out of 4 marriages will break. Chronic Illness Dedicated … Read more

How can men cope with their partner’s chronic illness?

How can men cope with their partner’s chronic illness

How can men cope with their partner’s chronic illness? It can be hard to answer how can men cope with their partner’s chronic illness if they aren’t one. But rest assured, if you are a woman who suffers from a chronic condition, I have all the answers. Chronic Illness Dedicated to Male Partners SEND IT … Read more

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy?

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy? It can be hard to find a way how to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy if you are not a man and you don’t know how he thinks, but in this article, I will give you some tips. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY … Read more

Does too much caring cause compassion fatigue?

Does too much caring cause compassion fatigue

Does too much caring cause compassion fatigue? When you care for a chronically ill partner, and you care too much, it can lead to compassion fatigue. This is where your own needs start to suffer because you are so focused on caring for the other person. So if you asked me “does too much caring … Read more

Why my husband ignores my endometriosis pain?

Why my husband ignores my endometriosis pain

Why my husband ignores my endometriosis pain? “Why my husband ignores my endometriosis pain” is a question that many women with endometriosis ask themselves. And it’s a valid question – why does it seem like your husbands, boyfriends, or male partners just don’t get how much pain you’re in? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT … Read more

Can a chronic illness lead to divorce?

Can a chronic illness lead to divorce

Can a chronic illness lead to divorce? The divorce rates of couples with chronic illnesses are as high as 75 percent. The rate is so high because of the added stress that chronic illness can bring to a marriage. There are ways to reduce the chance of divorce with chronic illness, but before I tell … Read more

9 tips for husbands caring for wife with long-term illness.

9 tips for husbands caring for wife with long-term illness

9 tips for husbands caring for wife with long-term illness. Caring for a wife with long-term illness can be difficult and challenging. My wife suffers from two chronic conditions, and thanks to a decade of my personal experience in supporting someone with endometriosis and fibromyalgia, I can give you plenty of tips for husbands, like … Read more

What are the signs your partner has endometriosis?

What are the signs your partner has endometriosis

What are the signs your partner has endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrium-like tissue, or tissue similar to the lining of your partner’s uterus, grows outside of her uterus. This can cause pain, heavy bleeding, and many other problems. So then what are the signs your partner has endometriosis? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men … Read more

A man’s guide to understanding endometriosis.

A man's guide to understanding endometriosis.

A man’s guide to understanding endometriosis. A wrote once an article about a man’s guide to understanding fibromyalgia. Today it is time for me to write a man’s guide to understanding endometriosis. It is important for men to get the right education on a condition that destroys marriages and relationships. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND … Read more

Endometriosis for caregivers.

Endometriosis for caregivers

Endometriosis for caregivers. Endometriosis for caregivers is a subject I strongly care about, especially for male endometriosis caregivers who are invisible in today’s society. Men as endometriosis caregivers are often left feeling isolated, helpless, and confused. This is something that needs to be talked about more. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! So … Read more