Helping someone with endometriosis surgery…

Helping someone with endometriosis surgery

Helping someone with endometriosis surgery. A husband’s guide for male partners. The importance of helping someone with endometriosis surgery! Endometriosis has a significant impact on the quality of life not just for women but also for their partners. Helping someone with endometriosis surgery isn’t different. It affects both of you. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND … Read more

A male guide to loving a woman with chronic pain.

A male guide to loving a woman with chronic pain

A male guide to loving a woman with chronic pain. How to make your relationship work… Loving a woman with chronic pain… Being in a relationship with someone chronically ill isn’t easy. It is very rewarding, however, loving a woman with chronic pain quite often means, that she suffers from multimorbidity. Multimorbidity means that your partner … Read more

The truth about living with endometriosis.

The truth about living with endometriosis

The truth about living with endometriosis. From a man to a man, the real struggles of your partner. The truth about living with endometriosis. Having a chronically ill wife I’ve come to realize how many men are uninformed about this condition. Understanding the truth about living with endometriosis being really complex, is the key to … Read more

Is acne related to endometriosis?

Acne related to endometriosis

Is acne related to endometriosis? Helping your partner cope with endometriosis… Is acne related to endometriosis? If your partner suffers from endometriosis, you may have many questions. If one of them is about your partner’s skin changes, know that acne related to endometriosis is actually quite common. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! … Read more

What to do when your partner has chronic fatigue?

What to do when your partner has chronic fatigue 1

What to do when your partner has chronic fatigue? Tips from a supportive husband! When your partner has chronic fatigue? When your partner has chronic fatigue it may be due to many reasons. As a partner of someone who experiences it daily, I have very plenty of tips for those who care for their loved … Read more

How to explain endometriosis to your partner?

How to explain endometriosis to your partner

How to explain endometriosis to your partner? From a husband of a wife with endometriosis… How to explain endometriosis to your partner? If you live with endometriosis, you already know how complex this chronic illness is, but how to explain endometriosis to your partner, for whom the menstrual cycle seems alien enough? “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for … Read more

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness.

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness

Falling in love with someone with a chronic illness. How can you make it work? Falling in love with a chronic ill person… When I met my wife in 2008, she was a professional dancer, choreographer, and performer. After her diagnosis of endometriosis, M’s health began to worsen month by month. Falling in love with … Read more

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives.

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives

Tips for men caring for chronically ill wives, from a devoted husband. My tips for men caring for chronically ill wives. There is a countless number of men caring for chronically ill wives who don’t know which way to turn. It is especially difficult for those gents who support their wives with multimorbidity. Having more … Read more

Supporting partner with multiple chronic conditions.

Supporting partner with multiple chronic conditions

Supporting partner with multiple chronic conditions. Tips from a supportive husband. The challenges of supporting partner with multiple chronic conditions. It can be challenging to care for someone with one chronic illness, but supporting a partner with multiple chronic conditions is incredibly hard. My wife has a rare kind of endometriosis, she also suffers from … Read more

What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness?

Your husband resents your chronic illness.

What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness? Advice for wives from a man whose wife has multimorbidity. What to do when my husband resents my chronic illness? For over a decade I supported my wife through various stages of multiple chronic conditions but I never gave my wife a reason to say … Read more