How to love someone with endo?

love someone with endo

How to love someone with endo? It may seem impossible to love someone with endo bearing in mind the pain and suffering that this debilitating disease can cause, but it is possible. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! After being diagnosed with stage IV deep infiltrating endometriosis, my wife was also diagnosed with … Read more

How can blogging help your ill partner?

How can blogging help your ill partner

How can blogging help your ill partner? If your partner is chronically ill, blogging can be a great way to help them cope with their condition. At first, you might think that I’m bonkers, but there are many ways blogging can help your ill partner, and here are the most important ones to know: Chronic … Read more

What are the endometriosis lies and truths?

What are the endometriosis lies and truths

What are the endometriosis lies and truths? There are plenty of misconceptions and disagreements amongst the endo community. I decided to bring endometriosis lies and truths to light, in the hopes of helping women make more informed decisions about their bodies and health. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY WAY! There are many endometriosis … Read more

Why endometriosis makes women emotional?

Why endometriosis makes women emotional

Why endometriosis makes women emotional? Endometriosis makes women emotional because the symptoms of endometriosis can vary from mild to severe, and they can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life, and her hormones, which can lead to emotional mood swings. Many women with endometriosis experience symptoms such as pain during sex, heavy … Read more

What do women with fibromyalgia experience?

What do women with fibromyalgia experience

What do women with fibromyalgia experience? Since every person is unique, all women with fibromyalgia experience this disorder differently, therefore it’s important to know what you can expect. Some women report having their symptoms mild, while others find them debilitating. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! Some of the most common symptoms … Read more

What can I do if my wife always has something wrong with her?

What can I do if my wife always has something wrong with her

What can I do if my wife always has something wrong with her? If your wife always has something wrong with her, it can be difficult to know how to help. If your wife is always ill, it is important to make sure that she is getting the care and support that she needs. Chronic … Read more

Why men need to get serious about endometriosis?

Why men need to get serious about endometriosis

Why men need to get serious about endometriosis? I’ll be frank here – men need to get serious about endometriosis. Not only because endometriosis affected my wife, but because there’s a total disregard for female health issues in general by the medical industry. Endometriosis is a perfect example. “Endo-Tool” Endometriosis for Men SEND IT MY … Read more

What is the relation between endometriosis and self-harm?

What is the relation between endometriosis and self-harm

What is the relation between endometriosis and self-harm? There is growing evidence to suggest that there may be a link between endometriosis and self-harm. The reason for this is not yet clear, but it is thought that the chronic pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis and negative thoughts play a big role, which in … Read more

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia?

How to help your partner's fibromyalgia

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia? Until recently, I rarely wrote about fibromyalgia because my wife’s primary chronic condition was always endometriosis, but after she was diagnosed with fibro, I discovered how cruel this disorder can be, so to help your partner’s fibromyalgia, I decided to dig deep and find some answers. Fibromyalgia For Caring … Read more

How can you earn money to reach a stress-free life with chronic conditions?

How can you earn money to reach a stress-free life with chronic conditions

How can you earn money to reach a stress-free life with chronic conditions? Even though you cannot have a stress-free life with chronic conditions, you can take steps to reduce stress related to money. Let’s face it, having a chronic condition causes financial hardships, and when your illness affects your income, stress can easily follow. … Read more