What do women with fibromyalgia experience?

What do women with fibromyalgia experience

What do women with fibromyalgia experience? Since every person is unique, all women with fibromyalgia experience this disorder differently, therefore it’s important to know what you can expect. Some women report having their symptoms mild, while others find them debilitating. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY WAY! Some of the most common symptoms … Read more

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia?

How to help your partner's fibromyalgia

How to help your partner’s fibromyalgia? Until recently, I rarely wrote about fibromyalgia because my wife’s primary chronic condition was always endometriosis, but after she was diagnosed with fibro, I discovered how cruel this disorder can be, so to help your partner’s fibromyalgia, I decided to dig deep and find some answers. Fibromyalgia For Caring … Read more

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive?

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive

Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive? Being married for ten years to a woman who has fibromyalgia and endometriosis I gained a lot of personal experience in how to cope without sex and support her. Now, here is the answer to your question “Can fibromyalgia sexless marriage survive?” Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY … Read more

Are there any stages of fibromyalgia?

Are there any stages of fibromyalgia

Are there any stages of fibromyalgia? My wife has two chronic conditions, one illness, and one disorder. Her endometriosis is one of the worst types, stage IV deep infiltrating, her fibromyalgia however varies from day to day. I know a lot about the stages and types of endometriosis, but are there any stages of fibromyalgia? … Read more

What triggers fibromyalgia symptoms?

What triggers fibromyalgia symptoms

What triggers fibromyalgia symptoms? Different things can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms for different people, however, there are some common triggers that have been identified. Here is what triggers fibromyalgia symptoms: Fibromyalgia flare-ups can be triggered by many things, including physical or emotional stress, lack of sleep, weather changes, fluctuations in hormones, medications, infections, surgery, exercise, diet, … Read more

What type of condition is fibromyalgia considered?

What type of condition is fibromyalgia considered

What type of condition is fibromyalgia considered? I hear people say about fibromyalgia being a long-term illness, and although it is a chronic condition, it isn’t an illness nor it is a disease. “Wait, what!?” I hear you say. What type of condition is fibromyalgia considered if not an illness? Let’s find out… Fibromyalgia For … Read more

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women?

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women

What are fibromyalgia symptoms in women? Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Although it can affect both men and women, fibromyalgia is diagnosed more often in women. In fact, as many as 90% of people with fibromyalgia are women, and since my wife suffers from this chronic disorder, I decided … Read more

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia?

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia

How to be supportive of a wife with endometriosis and fibromyalgia? If your wife had one chronic illness it could be difficult for her to cope, having two chronic illnesses can be even harder. Trying to stay well is a full-time job for your wife, however, she gets plenty of tips on how to cope. … Read more

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy?

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy

How to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy? It can be hard to find a way how to explain fibromyalgia symptoms to a guy if you are not a man and you don’t know how he thinks, but in this article, I will give you some tips. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners SEND IT MY … Read more

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner?

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner

How fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner? There are many ways how fibromyalgia impacts the healthy partner. Being one, I can openly say that the impact a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia has on a relationship is significant. It’s not only the person with fibromyalgia that suffers, but also their partner. Fibromyalgia For Caring Male Partners … Read more